5 starboard side trunks (listed fwd to aft)
- T3L (TBU - 1000w MF xmtr)
- T4L (TAJ-8 - 500w LF xmtr)
- T5H (TBK-7 - 500w HF xmtr)
- T7L (TAQ-5 - 2000w MF xmtr)
- T9H (TBA-3 - 1000w HF xmtr)
4 port side trunks (listed fwd to aft)
- T2L (spare)
- T1H (TBM-4 - 500w HF xmtr)
- T6L (TAJ-8 - 500w LF xmtr)
- T8H (TBA-3 - 1000w HF xmtr)
T2L, T10H, and T11L are spare patch trunks which run through Radio 2 -
I don't know the topside location of Trunks T10H & T11L yet.
View looking aft toward smokepipe 2
The rounded structure that these trunks come up through is
the cowl for the air intake vent for engine rooms 2 & 3

left side of photo - T3L, T4L, T5H
right side of photo - T2L, T1H


35' whips mounted on smokepipes
whip T-5 on forward mount of aft smokepipe connects to T5H (TBK-7)
whip T-1 on aft mount of forward smokepipe connects to T1H (TBM-4)