AN/FRR-28 Diversity Receiver
System Components
- SB-224/UR patching panel
- LS-187/UR speaker
AN/FRR-32 Diversity Receiver System Components
- R-618/FRR-32 receiver
- O-330/FRR-32 master xtal oscillator
- CM-70/FRR-32 comparator/keyer
- SB-431/FRR-32 patching panel
- LS-169/G speaker
AN/URT-2, AN/URT-3, AN/URT-4 parts - particularly the CX-2101/URT extender
cable for the Low Level Modulator
AN/FRR-30 VLF Receiver

AN/FGC-5 rack-mount modules
AN/FCC-3 rack-mount modules
AN/FGC-60 TTY Multiplex System
AN/FRR-10 Receiver parts
RD-17/U (Boehme 4-G) Morse Paper Tape Ink Recorder
RD-110/U Morse Paper Tape Ink Recorder
RD-112/U Morse Paper Tape Ink Recorder
CV-2124A/U Morse-to-TTY converter
CV-2015A/U TTY-to-Morse converter
Other interesting 1950's Navy radio stuff ???
Nick England K4NYW
811 Kenmore Rd.,
Chapel Hill NC 27514