OE-12 Receiver
The OE receiver analyzer consists of a
volt-ohm-ammeter and a capacity meter, with a series of test
adapters. The test adapters plug in between a tube and
its socket and allow above-chassis measurement of operating
conditions. This is extra handy in radios like the TCS
where the bottom of the sockets are real hard to get

Analyzer |

7-pin Miniature Socket Adapter in
BC-1000 |
OAH Code Training
This code practice oscillator allows 8 keys
and headphones to be attached at once, with another set for
the instructor. 120V AC/DC power.
LP Signal
The LP provides CW and modulated (AM)
signals for test purposes. Internal and external
modulation sources can be used. 9.5 to 30,000kc. Uses
Rectifier Power Unit CFD-20080-A.

LP-5 Signal Generator
CFD-60006-A |
OAN Test Oscillator
CFT-60054-A, built by Federal Telephone and
Radio Corp. Newark, NJ
This unit is designed for testing MF
direction-finding equipment. It runs on battery or AC
power and uses a 15-foot whip that screws into the top of
it. It covers 200Kc to 2Mc. When its operational
status is confirmed I plan to use it to test and adjust the
receiving antennas I use for DXing on the AM broadcast band,
the MF navigation beacon band, and the 160-meter amateur
OAW Tube Tester
While this unit was designed for testing and
matching a particular set of tubes, it is handy for testing
power tubes in general. With a pretty hefty variable
filament supply, a variable bias supply, and a 1000V plate
supply, it allows testing of filaments, cutoff bias, and peak
emission. I have used it to differentiate between
250TL and 250TH triodes that had no markings on them by
checking cutoff bias, and to light up 860 and 861 tetrodes to
check filaments, among other things.