C-1004B/SG TTY Control Box
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- Note: CFS is the same as FSK, TONE is the same as AFSK
- Function switch positions are Tone S/R, CFS SEND, CFS REC
- Function switch connects the TTY lines to the selected RTTY unit (Tone TU,
CFS Keyer, CFS converter)
(unselected unit lines are shorted by the switch)
- SEND terminals are connected only in "CFS SEND" position to
Note - in "Tone S/R" operation, the TU automatically senses the TTY
lines and controls the transmitter via PTT
- Pushbutton START/STOP momentarily connects to AC SUPPLY to turn on/off
transmitter power
Note: transmitter should latch START line to AC SUPPLY while power is on.
- POWER ON lamp is connected between TB102-1 and TB102-4
- CARRIER ON lamp is connected between TB102-1 and TB102-4 only when switch is
in "CFS SEND" position
- TB102 connects to the "Navy standard 6-line transmitter
control cable"
- NAVSHIPS 93107 C-1004B/SG
Complete Manual
- Description
& Schematic from 1960 ET2 manual
- Another schematic from 1963 ET3
strip |
terminal |
function |
wire color |
TB101 |
A |
+TTY |
wh/red |
B |
-TTY |
wh/brn |
C |
+CFS converter |
vio |
D |
-CFS converter |
wh/blu |
E |
+CFS keyer |
org |
F |
-CFS keyer |
wh/blk |
G |
+Tone TU |
brn |
H |
-Tone TU |
grn |
TB102 |
1 |
gra |
2 |
red |
3 |
wh/org |
4 |
wh/gra |
5 |
wh/grn |
6 |
blu |