General Dynamics (Stromberg-Carlson) SC Series Radio Equipment


  • Which came first? This SC-series or the Navy's RT-618, etc.? - the SC-901X, etc. manuals are copyright 1961
    The SC-series tunes in 1 kc increments, but the Navy equipment tuned in 500cps (later 100 cps) increments
  • Aha! - a patent case shows that in June 1959 the Navy contracted with Stromberg-Carlson (General Dynamics) "to design and furnish experimental, mock-up, and developmental models of a single sideband radio set and a single sideband portable transceiver." (NObsr-77628, dated 16 June 1959 for AN/WRC-1 and AN/URC-35). The Navy had rights to patents developed during the contract, but General Dynamics claimed some of the inventions "were conceived and reduced to practice during plaintiff's own, independent project to develop a single sideband transceiver, called the SC900A, prior to the award of contract NObsr-77628" See here for the SC-900A development background.
  • Trivia - the original Navy contract referred to the AN/PRC-45 portable transceiver and AN/URC-35 fixed transceiver. The names were later changed to AN/URC-35 portable transceiver and AN/WRC-1 fixed transceiver. The URC-35 is portable - HA!
  • WRC-1 procurement background
  • 1962 WRC-1 and URC-35 development report
  • AN/URC-35 pre-production model specification - required changes from prototype model (SC-900A or SC-901X?)

March 1959 Stromberg-Carlson Advertisement -

  • A new approach to Single-Sideband radio by Stromberg-Carlson...... greater power output, less power input with a smaller volume.
  • The SC-900A digit-tuned Single-Sideband transceiver marks a significant advance in the state of the art.
  • The SC-900A is designed for both vehicular and fixed point-to-point communications adaptable to rack mounting and back-pack meets full military requirements.
  • Provides 28,000 stabilized channels from 2 to 30 megacycles, with a transmitted peak envelope power output of 100 watts.
  • Receive input power : 50 watts.
  • Average transmit input power for voice: 150 watts.
  • Available soon.

SC-901X and SC-901X-A Receiver-Exciter (comparable to RT-618/URC)
- thanks to Jim Whartenby
SC-901S Power Supply

Used by USAF with SC-908 amp at Atlas, Minuteman, and Titan missile sites
 - Titan site radio rack photo

Also see June 1992 Electric Radio magazine

Electronics - March 1962
SC900-USAF-ad-6203.jpg (137641 bytes)
eBay 4/19 photos

sc901x-1904-01.jpg (40555 bytes)

sc901x-1904-02.jpg (57217 bytes)
This one has been modified to provide some incremental tuning. Standard units tuned in 1kc increments only.
sc901x-1904-03.jpg (261839 bytes) sc901x-1904-04.jpg (287272 bytes)
sc901x-1904-05.jpg (339529 bytes) sc901x-1904-06.jpg (236324 bytes) sc901x-1904-07.jpg (66748 bytes) May be an image of 1 person


SC-901X-A Fair Radio 5/19
sc901xa-1905-01.jpg (610594 bytes)
SC-901X-A Fair Radio 5/18
IMG_6127.JPG (223542 bytes)
SC-901S power supply - Fair Radio 5/19
sc901s-1905.jpg (291240 bytes)

SC-901S power supply - Fair Radio 5/24
IMG_4682.JPG (3472084 bytes)

SC-905C Semi-Automatic Antenna Coupler (comparable to CU-937/UR) - 1961 manual 

Fair Radio 5/24
IMG_4683.JPG (4050044 bytes)
sc905c-man-03.jpg (55337 bytes) sc905c-man-01.jpg (408009 bytes) sc905c-man-02.jpg (408817 bytes)

SC-907 Amplifier & Power Supply - manual copyright October 1961 - no other info yet

SC-908A Amplifier (comparable to AM-3924/URT)
SC-908S Power Supply

eBay 3/17 photos
amp-sc908a-1703-12.JPG (25641 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-01.JPG (280316 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-03.JPG (303880 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-04.JPG (506697 bytes)
amp-sc908a-1703-02.JPG (328943 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-08.JPG (212336 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-09.JPG (287794 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-10.JPG (408433 bytes)
amp-sc908a-1703-11.JPG (301285 bytes) amp-sc908a-1703-05.JPG (351379 bytes) Tubes

Pusher = ?
Driver = 8117 (DX195)
PA = PL-8295

Fair Radio 5/22 photos
IMG_8723.JPG (422266 bytes) IMG_8722.JPG (5650939 bytes) IMG_8724.JPG (885198 bytes) IMG_8725.JPG (6427976 bytes)
SC-908S Power Supply
IMG_8727.JPG (485461 bytes)
IMG_8726.JPG (5119999 bytes) == ==

SC-910 Transmitter-Receiver System (Comparable to AN/WRC-1)

May 1961 Announcement
wpeA2.gif (250037 bytes)
SC-910R Receiver
SC-910E Exciter
SC-910A Power Amp - Power Supply
SC-905C Antenna Coupler
== ==

SC-910A 100w Amplifier (comparable to AM-3007/URC) - 1961 manual

sc910a-2209-03.jpg (102564 bytes) sc910a-2209-01.jpg (110272 bytes)

sc910a-2209-02.jpg (95565 bytes)

sc901-amp-2401-01.jpg (73735 bytes)

sc901-amp-2401-02.jpg (59014 bytes)

sc910a-2209-04.jpg (144441 bytes)
sc910a-man-01.jpg (456579 bytes) sc910a-man-02.jpg (579402 bytes) sc910a-2209-06.jpg (87128 bytes) Parts unit
sc901-amp-2401-03.jpg (387888 bytes)

SC-910E Exciter (Comparable to T-827/URT) - 1961 manual

sc910e-2011-01.jpg (716787 bytes) sc910e-man-01.jpg (227084 bytes) sc910e-man-02.jpg (694122 bytes) sc910e-man-03.jpg (401841 bytes)

SC-910R Receiver (Comparable to R-1051/URR) - 1961 manual - 1963 spec sheet  

wpeA4.gif (903875 bytes) sc910r-man-02.jpg (365419 bytes) sc910r-man-01.jpg (846993 bytes) sc910r-man-03.jpg (904788 bytes)

SC-940F Auxiliary Unit

Titan installation photo

Wattmeter, 28vdc p/s == ==